Why You Need an All- Terrain Walker

Why You Need an All- Terrain Walker

A rollator walker is a very beneficial mobility device. From going to the grocery store to exercising, these devices can improve your quality of life. However, when it comes to investing in one of these products, you have several options to choose from. That said, finding the perfect model for your needs can be challenging.

If you’re looking for the best rollator walker for your everyday needs, an all-terrain walker could be your solution! These devices often have larger wheels that allow for riding on rough terrain. Additionally, many of these advanced devices come with more features than a standard walker.

In this post, we’ll discuss even more benefits of choosing an all-terrain walker. We’ll also talk about their safety features, how to choose the right model, and if it makes sense to rent or buy.

Benefits of an All-Terrain Walker


An all-terrain walker can transform your life. No matter where you go, these walkers can come with you. Here are the leading advantages of an all-terrain walker:

Works on uneven terrain

One of the top benefits of an all-terrain walker is that it can be used on uneven surfaces. From going to the beach to walking around your home, an all-terrain walker can work essentially anywhere. This is made possible with its large wheels and advanced tires. These tires often have more tread than a standard walker tire, giving the device the freedom to go on various surfaces! If you want to go longer distances on a variety of different terrain, an all-terrain walker could be the ideal solution for you!

Perfect for outdoor use

Do you enjoy going on hikes through the forest? Or how about long walks on the beach? Whatever the case may be, an all-terrain walker can help you get there. These incredible walkers can be used on various outdoor surfaces, allowing you to travel more and worry less! These walkers are sturdy, powerful, and very easy to use. Walker technology has advanced greatly over the years, so now’s your chance to take advantage of these amazing mobility products!

Offers storage space

While an all-terrain rolling walker is ideal for walking on uneven surfaces, some models also come with tons of storage space. As these can be used for those long walks, having these storage compartments is extremely useful. You can use these for carrying water bottles, snacks, jackets, and anything else! When looking for the perfect all-terrain walker, make sure it comes with at least one storage bag. If you’ll be carrying a lot of personal belongings, look for options with multiple storage compartments. You never know what you’ll take on your adventures!

Ideal for your active lifestyle

Another top benefit of using a wheel rollator walker is that it suits your active lifestyle! While you can’t go for runs or very steep hikes, an all-terrain walker can still help you exercise. These devices allow you to walk up steep inclines, power over rocky terrain, and keep the blood flowing! While your legs will get stronger over time, an all-terrain walker can also help improve your upper body strength.

Safety First


Above all else, an all-terrain walker is safer than other types of walkers on the market. This is especially true when walking on uneven surfaces, such as a beach or hiking trail. When using a standard walker on this terrain, you may notice less stability and decreased confidence. Unfortunately, this could result in a life-threatening fall. In order to stay balanced while walking on different surfaces, an all-terrain walker could be the perfect solution. 

Another essential safety feature of an all-terrain walker is the advanced braking system. These often include a brake cable for the front and rear wheels. As you may walk on a variety of surfaces, these brakes can come in handy. Furthermore, they’re extremely easy to use. They work just like the brakes on a bicycle. Not only do these brakes make it easier to move around, but they can also prevent a scary fall or injury.

If safety is a top concern, it makes a lot of sense to choose an all-terrain walker. While you may take your walker anywhere, you never know the type of terrain you’ll experience. That said, an all-terrain walker is the most logical, safer choice when looking for a mobility device.

Whether you're walking on a smooth surface or rocky hill, an all-terrain walker can get you where you need to go. However, with so many different models on the market, finding the ideal walker can be a challenge.

Choosing the Right Walker


While any all-terrain walker can provide some useful benefits, you may need a walker with specific features. Luckily, as there are several all-terrain models to choose from, you can find options that work for your specific needs.

Need help choosing a walker? If so, here are some factors to keep in mind:


When browsing through different all-terrain options, size matters. If you choose a walker that’s too small or too big, this could pose a huge safety risk. Additionally, using a walker that’s the wrong size is uncomfortable.

As you’re looking through the options, consider where the walker will be used. Does it need to fit through tight spaces? If so, make sure to look for a narrow walker. This may be useful when walking through hallways or other tight spaces


The weight of your walker is another important factor to consider. Not only will a heavier walker be harder to push around, but it will also be more difficult to fold up and carry. That said, if you don’t want something as heavy, consider a lightweight walker. Try searching for a walker with a lightweight aluminum frame.

Storage compartments

Before choosing a walker, also think about how much storage you need. When you head out on your adventures, what will you bring with you? Many people choose walkers with compartments for storing drinks, snacks, jackets, and other personal items. 

Seat options

As you’re walking around town on your all-terrain walker, you’ll need to take a break eventually. While you may not always be close to a bench, now you can take a seat right on your walker! Nowadays, several different models come with a padded seat that’s ideal for taking a breather.

Weight capacity

The weight capacity is another top factor to look into, especially if your walker has a seat. While most walkers should be able to handle your body weight, you’ll want to double-check to be sure. If you buy a walker without the right weight capacity, you could risk damaging the walker and even causing a severe injury.

Folding mechanism

While you’ll be taking your all-terrain walker everywhere you go, you’ll need to be able to transport it with ease. That said, choose a model with a trusted folding mechanism. Nowadays, many of these walkers can easily store in your trunk or closet. Additionally, they can fold out within seconds. This feature makes these walkers convenient and versatile.


The power behind an all-terrain walker is in the wheels and tires. Today, these walkers are made with some extremely advanced wheels. For the most powerful options out there, look for walkers with pneumatic tires. These tires are similar to the ones used on the common vehicle. However, they can be solid or filled with air. The solid tires are made of rubber and can’t be punctured by a nail or glass. Make sure to find these tires for both your rear and front wheels.

The wheel size is also something to consider. Typically, the larger the wheel size, the more sturdy and mobile the walker will be. For a powerful, advanced walker, look for 8-inch wheels.

Rent or Buy?


Do you only need an all-terrain walker for a short time? Want to try out this walker before purchasing? If any of these are true, consider renting an all-terrain walker. Many providers out there offer rental options at affordable prices. 

With so many options to choose from, making a purchase decision can be difficult. From non weight bearing walkers to options with an adjustable handle height, there are tons of features to consider. This is why it makes sense to rent an outdoor rollator walker before buying. 

Find Your Walker at EZ Walker Rollators Today!

Whether you’re looking to rent or purchase an all-terrain walker, EZ Walker Rollators is here for your needs! No matter what mobility issues you’re having, we have options for you. We even carry knee roller devices for those experiencing knee problems.

EZ Walker Rollators has been offering high-quality mobility aid solutions for over 12 years! We provide walkers with adjustable height options, comfortable seats, and walkers that can ride on any rough surface. We even have lightweight rollator walkers for people on the go!

One of our best-selling all-terrain walkers is the Nova Traveler. This high-quality mobility aid comes with solid soft 8-inch wheels, large storage compartments, and convenient hand brakes.

Whether you need a transport chair, all-terrain walker, wheelchair, or any other type of mobility aid, choose EZ Walker Rollators today!